Presbyterian Visitor

Presbyterian Visitor

July 11, 2024


  This year’s Tasting Luncheon was held on Friday, June 28th and was a huge success. Thank you to everyone for your help. Recipe books are still available from the church office, cost is $3.00.


  During the month of June we had the honor of having two young children receive baptism. Avis Mae Burcham, daughter of Grant and Leasy Burcham, was baptized during worship service on June 2nd. Also, Jack Lawrence Vandeventer, great-grandson of Bobbi Vandeventer, was baptized on June 15th.


  Are you “Wild About Jesus”? If you are we could use your help with this year’s Vacation Bible School being held July 22nd, 23rd, and 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help with all areas of VBS, please see the sign-up sheet on the narthex podium. Melinda Hendrix is in need of a few items including 2-3 gallon buckets or large cat litter containers and umbrella frames. If you have any questions, please contact her at 812-826-4040.


  Bethany Scott has been part of launching a new nonprofit ministry called Do What Is Good, which focuses on rural community development. Do What Is Good (DWIG) is named from Titus 3:8, "I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone." The mission of DWIG is to mobilize church and community members to use their gifts in love to renew their communities. Bethany is the Executive Director and works with a Board of Directors, building a network of individuals who serve through their own respective gifts, skills, and experience to build and address needs that face our neighbors in rural communities. The values of our faith provide the foundation of this ministry, including the instruction to love our neighbors and the belief that God has given each person gifts. Everyone has their own abilities and skills that when shared, especially in cooperation with others, can greatly benefit communities.

  DWIG offers community assessments; capacity Inventories to identify gifts and skills within your church; facilitated community conversations to


identify needs and resources; workshops, seminars, and outreach events to build skills and encourage active participation.

  If you are interested in participating in DWIG, or learning more, please contact Bethany at


  Congratulation to Anna Allen, Miranda May and Dale Isenogle for their accomplishments at this year’s 4-H Dog Show. Anna is the niece of LuAnne Allen. Anna and her dog Bella won Champion of Class 2A. Miranda is the granddaughter of Curt and Deb Cullison. Miranda and her dog Hedi won a Blue Ribbon in Class 1B. Dale is the son of Pete and Susan Isenogle. Dale and his dog Bodie won Champion in the Veteran’s Class, Grand Champion, and Advanced Agility Champion.

  We would like to wish all our area youth Good Luck with their projects at this year’s 4-H Fair.


  The church secretary will be on vacation July 12th – 19th. Deb Cullison will be checking answering machine messages and emails during this time.


  The Women’s Association will be serving the Rotary Luncheon on Tuesday, July 30th. Please see the sign-up sheet on the narthex table if you would like to help.


  On August 4th our church will host the 2nd Annual Block Party from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the church lawn. The afternoon promises to be fun filled for the children with bounce houses, games, food truck, and ice cream. Plan on coming out and joining us.


  Our yearly Church Picnic will be held on Sunday, August 11th at the home of Jane Lueking. Come to swim anytime after 3:00 p.m. Dinner will begin around 5:00 p.m. Please bring a covered dish to share.


  We have received word that Rev. David Rosen has entered into his heavenly home. Rev. Rosen has been our guest minister several times. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.


Session Updates


At the Session meeting held on Wednesday, July 10th the Session discussed and took action on the following:

·         finalized plans for Vacation Bible School

·         finalized plans for the Block Party on August 4th

·         Voted to begin passing the offering plates again during worship

·         Discussed a bill received from an architecture firm for drawings made, and possibilities for going forward

·         Approved a new one-year stated supply contract with Pastor Hana, beginning September 3, 2024

The next session meeting will be on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.




Important Message from the Trustees


We have discovered that we have wasps building in the Little Free Library. Please DO NOT use the Little Free Library until this issue is resolved.